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This church has grown EXPONENTIALLY!

God has been up to something special in Kyomu Village, Tanzania.

I'm so excited to share this story with you today about what God has been up to in a rural village in Tanzania.

First, a quick update is in order. While 2020 has been pretty wild to say the least, we've seen it as an opportunity to grow and sharpen our focus like never before. And with your help, we've created more impact than ever before in every way!

In light of the ways God has helped us expand our vision & sharpen our focus, we recently updated our mission statement to "encourage, equip, and mobilize churches in developing countries to be the hands and feet of Jesus in their communities."

Now, I'd love to introduce you to Pastor Elifuraha (pictured above) of Kyomu village in Kilimanjaro, Tanzania. This region is known for witchcraft, high poverty levels, HIV/AIDS, and more. Which is why we felt that it was an excellent place for the local church to be the light of Jesus!

If you remember from an update earlier in 2020, the pastors we've been investing in over the past few years in this region have grown closer than ever before and even organized a conference in February. Many people came to know Jesus and the churches began sensing revival. Not just fuzzy feelings but legitimate revival in ways not seen before in their lifetimes.

Fast forward to September 2020, when I had the honor of visiting Tanzania and Mosaic co-hosted another conference in collaboration with more than 18 churches in the region...

In short, we had an amazing time gathering and worshiping together, providing months of food for hundreds of families, and spiritual food aka solid biblical teaching... and having an excuse to party for Jesus :)

Okay, Back to Pastor Elifuraha. While every church we've been investing in has experienced growth (a story for another day)...

Pastor Elifuraha's church has grown from (drumroll please)... 8 faithful members one year ago to 70+ and counting!!!! You read that right! From EIGHT to SEVENTY+ and counting!!!

Not only are they growing in numbers but they are growing in courage, excitement for what the Lord is doing, and vision for what can happen in the future!

To accommodate the growth, one awesome thing Pastor Elifuraha has done is start a business selling honey and plans to grow this business in order to pay for one pillar at a time, one brick at a time, and one chair at a time.

Can we just go ahead and praise God for what he is doing and also cheer on Pastor Elifuraha as he works hard to grow his church - both the physical structure as well as the new believers?

Last thing for now. I just want to thank you for the role you have played in our work this year not just in this community but in every community we operate in from Tanzania to Rwanda to the Philippines. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

In the coming weeks I look forward to sharing more stories and impact stats from 2020. So stay tuned and please continue to pray for the work you are part of to continue to grow and gain momentum.

And if you'd like to keep the revival going, and continue to empower churches like Elifuraha's to be the hands and feet of Jesus in their communities, we invite you to consider giving a one time or recurring gift before the year ends.

The first place we will pay it forward will be to help this community have another conference on December 26th, where they are expecting 400-500 people to attend. With your help we will be feeding every man, woman and child, paying for their transportation, for the tents & chairs, and for future outreaches to help them have access to safe drinking water, solar lights, and more.

God bless and thanks for being part of this beautiful Mosaic of people joining together to change history together for Jesus!

Keep the movement going by giving a one time donation or sign up for recurring giving.

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