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You don’t have to live in a foreign country to make a global difference.

The Circle is made up of people from all over the world who trust in the work of our partners and link up with one another to make a deeper, collective impact.


We value transparency and proof. What does that mean for you? When you join this community you will not only be changing history but will also get to know the men, women and children you're investing in on a deeper level. We'll connect you and show exactly how funds are being used through stories and impact reports.

Don't take our word for it.

Here's what others are saying.

"If you want to invest in a trustworthy nonprofit - look no further! We give with extra confidence knowing we'll see exactly how funds are used. I had the privilege of going to Tanzania to volunteer and personally meet the people we invest in every month... it is inspiring work!"
Colorado Springs, Colorado

You belong here.

If you want your life and legacy to matter, you'll fit right in around here! Joining The Circle is like joining a family - one that cares deeply for one another and produces results larger than anything we could do on our own individual effort. We're in this together! 


To join, just click below and when you get to our secure giving platform simply select "recurring" and choose your donation amount- there is no minimum requirement to jump in.


Some Circle members give $10 per month while others give more. What matters is that each person has chosen to give what they can knowing we are all in this together.


(The three most popular recurring amounts are $25, $50, and $100 per month. Click on the link below and we'll give you practical examples of what each giving level can provide in real life.)


We believe right relationships with God and others is the center of the target. It's not part of the goal, it is the goal.


We love sharing stories of the change God is writing within the larger Story He is always telling.


We value transparency and believe you deserve to know exactly how funds are being used.
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