From day one, our approach has been to build relationships first with the belief that local leadership not only has the capacity to make the greatest difference in the lives of their nations, but in fact they must own every step of the process in order to see true sustainability.
Our strategy is to first link arms and then encourage, equip, and mobilize them to go out and be the agents of change and missionaries that are needed in their communities (and beyond).
Over the past three years we have seen God do so much, and yet He has also given us glimpses into what He has in store in the next 5, 10, 20 years.
The past year has been especially momentous, leaving us in great need to find compassionate leaders to help bring Mosaic's mission and vision to the next level in every country we operate. In short, we knew that in order to grow we would eventually need to bring a strong leader onto our own team. We prayed, we waited, we searched, and we found the perfect person...
We are honored to introduce our new Field Director for Mosaic International Ministries - Tanzania - Vickie Njogu!
For those who have been with us since we moved to Tanzania from 2014-2017 (before we founded Mosaic), you have probably seen us brag about Vickie and her husband, Francis. They have been a cornerstone in our personal lives and have played a critical role in helping Mosaic get to where it is today. We watched as they first met and were there the day they welcomed their beautiful daughter into the world, precious Favor. Our friendship is unbreakable and we greatly admire their commitment to serve the Lord, one another, and those around them. You can find a photo of Favor and Francis below.
As a pastor's daughter who grew up in poverty in the Kilimanjaro region, Vickie learned to be mindful of those who are in need. She has also worked as a teacher and values community service and listening to others.
As Mosaic began to take shape and take off, Vickie has been there virtually every step of the way. She has faithfully volunteered at nearly every Mosaic outreach in the nation of Tanzania since we began, and has proven herself as an exceptionally trustworthy person with the perfect blend of organizational ability, missional experience, teamwork, and servant leadership.
In addition to the roles she has played in our outreaches (including her ability to teach the importance of safe drinking water and hygiene), she also has excellent rapport with the other organizations we collaborate with in the Kilimanjaro region, and of utmost importance is the solid relationships she has with the pastors and rural communities we serve in.
Needless to say, Vickie is exactly what we have been searching for in a leader and we are fully confident that she will take us to levels we would never be able to achieve without her.
Among her responsibilities as Field Director: organize future outreaches; coordinate logistics for conferences; follow up with beneficiaries; capture stories; manage files and reports in Tanzania; and help lead us into uncharted territory as the Lord provides finances to expand.
Needless to say, we are beyond grateful to have Vickie on the team and look forward to expanding our mission of helping local churches all over Tanzania (and beyond) make a tangible impact in their neighborhoods for the Kingdom.
Join us in welcoming Vickie and praying protection and health over her family as we boldly move into this exciting new phase of Mosaic International Ministries.