This is a guest post written by our newest Field Director, Stacee Strickland, who moved to Belize just a few weeks ago!
The Sleeping Giant is a mountain range just a few miles away from Dangriga. It’s called The Sleeping Giant because, well, it looks like a giant that is laying down. Back in June of 2021, this landmark unexplainably started smoking. As I (Stacee) was there, I had many discussions with Pastor and Mrs. Evans about how that mountain “waking up” is a resemblance of the church of Belize. According to Mrs. Evans, the church of Belize has been “sleeping” and just like the sleeping giant, it’s starting to awaken! I have been praying into this exact thing ever since I left the States, for the church to awaken and take back what the enemy has stolen: hope, joy, peace, and confidence.
The Greek word for confidence is parresia which refers to bold, frank, forthright speech. It depicts a confident kind of speaking, daring to speak exactly what one believes or thinks with no hesitation or intimidation.. being bold in our God to speak.
The mission statement of Faith Family Worship Center (where I get the awesome privilege of serving) is this: TRANSFORM, EQUIP, MOBILIZE KINGDOM MINDED LEADERS FOR JESUS CHRIST. Pastor and Mrs. Evans have created and are cultivating a climate for confidence to grow within the people of their church.
Having only lived in the country for 2 weeks, I see people that are hurting, and I see people who have the answer to that pain. There is a desire of people in the church to fight for the Word, their town, and their country. In our weekly prayer meeting this week, we prayed that the Word would have a quick and clear path to the hearts and minds of people hearing it… no obstacles. This is done when people speak with confidence. Again, not confidence in themselves, but confidence in who the Lord is in them. I am believing that in the coming days, months, years, we are going to see people come out of their shells and stand in confidence, boldly declare who God is and watch miracles follow.
Cultivating confidence comes in 2 main ways: equipping the saints within the church walls (discipleship) and empowering the saints to move outside of the church walls (mobilization).
Train ‘em up and send ‘em out!
One way we are seeing this confidence being cultivated is through an outreach called Kings Castle. This is a monthly outreach to an area of town that is somewhat dangerous and spiritually oppressed – very much in need of Jesus. The neat thing about this outreach is that a majority of the team are young people! These youth are hungry for the Lord and are willing to stop at nothing to make His name known. They have a desire to know the Lord and make Him known. These young people are learning how to speak confidently as they step out in faith to do it!
I am excited to partner with Pastor Michael and Patricia Evans in what God has already started through them, as we engage in new ways of discipling the kingdom-minded leaders at Faith Family Worship Center and mobilizing them to reach their community for Christ.
Pastor Michael and Patricia Evans & Stacee standing in front of their church.
Our goal is to raise $20,000 by the end of December. So far we have raised $10,390