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Building on Dreams

In the quiet town of Pinagbobong, Philippines, Pastor Edwin had a dream. Here, at the base of Mayon Volcano, He wanted to create a place that nurtured this forgotten community. Where people of all ages felt at home and had their needs met. He wanted to build a base from which people could go out and make disciples, transform their communities, and bring much needed resources to their villages.

Fittingly, he called it... The Dream Center.

As you have witnessed through various posts, The Dream Center has become a reality over the past 2 years. It is where Pastor Edwin lives with his wife (Jo) and from where all of their work begins. With the help of Mosaic's generous partners, they have been able to build and provide essential resources for their community, including a church building, a children's church that transforms to Bright Beginnings preschool during the week, an after-school program for young adults, and so much more.

At The Dream Center, people of all ages come and feel at home. Pastors from neighboring towns gather, learn, and pick up food for their villages. Children have a safe place to play and learn. Couples come for counseling. Lives are made better by the community they find here.

Throughout the growth of The Dream Center, Mosaic has been privileged with the opportunity to provide encouragement, resources, and financial support. Through our generous donors we have been able to supply computers, printers, and wifi for students to use in the student center. We have been able to answer the call to build spaces where everyone feels safe and valued, and even when typhoons hit, we built again. We're in it for the long haul!

Which is why we are excited to announce that the dream is expanding!

You may have seen some recent photos on our social media of a ground-breaking. These have been progress reports on the building of a new piece of The Dream Center- We're building a HOME!

Actually, it's MUCH more than that. It will be:

- A guest house for visiting pastors, local leaders, and mission teams

- A center for meetings and trainings

- A safe place for refuge in the midst of future typhoons

- A center from which food and disaster relief can be organized

- A springboard from which our team can travel to other countries, meet with other pastors, and expand into new territories.

- A place for Mosaic staff and their families to stay when traveling abroad to connect with our partners.

- A place for you to stay when you visit one day!

Building this mission base is a huge step for Mosaic and a strategic decision that will enable us to provide for the needs of this community, throughout the Philippines, and beyond. It enables a level of organization that isn't always possible from overseas. It provides a place where people can stay long-term or just stop through. It makes The Dream Center a home not just for Edwin and his community, but for others who want to be a guest to the wonderful work he is accomplishing.

Here is what The Mosaic International House already is: A springboard for building relationships.

The construction of this home is also providing jobs for many hurting people in this rural community. In fact, just this week we were able to hire 17 young men on the day we poured the concrete roof. Not only were they able to have work and lunch, they also got to experience the welcoming environment of The Dream Center.

Pastor Edwin talked with them about resources for getting their GEDs, offering them support to get to class and money for fares. They had heard about The Dream Center, they said, but were "shy to come." Now they know that it is a place where they are welcome, accepted, loved, and where their lives can be changed- all thanks to a day's work building The Mosaic International House!

So where does the progress on The Mosaic International House stand?

- The total cost to complete the entire base is a mere $19,000 including labor and materials. As always, we are using 100% local labor (thereby providing much needed jobs and employment in the community) and 100% of your gifts will go directly towards this initiative.

- We have already raised + sent $8,000.

- With just $11,000 more we can complete this new home base.

- Our deadline to send $5,000 for the next phase is in 3 weeks.

Will you join us in expanding the mission by donating toward this home, place of refuge, mission base, and training center? If so, click below! We stand by our commitment to always send proof and will send progress photos and stories to show you exactly where 100% of your gift is being put to work.

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