Pastor Pacifique, our partner in Rwanda, is a family man. He has a wife and five children whom he loves deeply, and he also leads a strong and vibrant church family. Pacifique cares immensely about supporting his church family and helping it to grow. Through God's grace and goodness, Pacifique has seen his church make incredible strides not just in their community, but in Rwanda as a whole and in multiple surrounding nations. After a successful missions trip to Zambia last year, they are looking forward to a trip to Kenya in just a few months to connect with worship leaders, women in ministry, and and other pastors. The work that Pacifique, his family, and his team does through Fatherhood Ministries is seriously incredible!
Pacifique's church, Fatherhood Ministries, is well-organized to serve four distinct needs:
Empowering women in ministry
Raising up worship leaders
Mobilizing the church to mentor and create business
Uniting pastors and churches
To serve these needs, they employ and partner with different people in their community. In a recent call, Pacifique talked about the necessity of caring for their leaders so that they can care well for other people, therefore enabling the church to grow in discipleship. Some of their partner pastors, he explained, struggle to make ends meet as they care for the needs of their community, making it difficult for them to continue on in their work.
With this in mind, we scheduled a call with Pacifique and a wonderful young woman named Daisy (pictured above). Daisy has been working with Fatherhood Ministries for a year. She is from Kenya and is pursuing her Master's degree in communications. As part of Fatherhood Ministries she handles their communications, video and photography, and more. In order to support the incredible work she does with Fatherhood Ministries, and to help strengthen our own communications with our partners in Rwanda, we recently decided to help Daisy directly by hiring her as our Rwanda Field Director. We love that we are able to support a young woman who is working hard in her career and for the Lord and to finally have a Field Director in Rwanda!
Expanding to Partner with South Asia
In 2020, the Mosaic team began connecting with a friend of ours who runs a mission agency in South Asia. Through this partner, we were able to raise money for two different initiatives: the first was for Covid food relief in India, and the second was to help finish the construction of a church.
As we considered our goals for 2022, we were introduced to a new opportunity in this region. Through the same partner agency we could support one specific local pastor and his church plant in South Asia directly. For around $350 a month, Mosaic will provide the income that this new church needs to sustain it until it can sustain itself. We love that the ministry coordinating this is passionate about the local church and has intimate knowledge of that region and the needs of its people. We decided that this was an opportunity to help that we could not pass up!
In the weeks to come, we will be able to provide you with more information on the specific church and pastor that we will be supporting. We are thrilled to step out in faith and commit these funds in order to help this church become established in its community.