In January we sent an email called "They are now dreaming together..." that talked about the background of what God has been orchestrating among the churches we have been reaching out to over the past few years through water + solar outreaches and also sharing in their churches. If you missed it, feel free to go check it out!
Pictured above are the pastors & leaders who unified to not only dream & pray together but to plan the logistics, raise a portion of the funds needed (the rest was provided by Mosaic through your support!), host the actual 5 day conference, and even gather again to celebrate afterwords! We're so proud of them and thank God for bringing peace and unity to this team!
One big win from this experience is the message it sent to both the church members and to the community at large. Not only were they willing to break down barriers of denominations (a rare occurrence even in America to be honest) but the message they preached got the attention of other people in the village who heard what was going on...
People of other faith backgrounds let them know it was actually refreshing to not hear a bunch of tearing down of others but rather the lifting up of the name of Jesus. Another person who doesn't attend church at all even donated one of their goats so that people could enjoy meat together, which is a VERY generous thing to do especially when eating meat can be a real luxury!
And of course the biggest win is that people came, lives were touched, people were healed & set free, and the local churches made a real impact in their communities - that's the heart of our ministry! We are already working on ways to make sure the new believers get plugged in and discipled, continue to invest into these pastors, and plan the next conference in a few months (more to come on that one).
The movement is really just getting started! And things like this are made possible through your prayers and generous support. So thank you from the bottom of all of our hearts here and in Tanzania for helping make this happen.
If you'd like to join our support team, we'd love to sow into these churches & communities on your behalf! Just click HERE or see the action steps at the very bottom for other ways to help.

There was a lot of joy, dancing, and unity over the course of 5 days!

"This conference has taught me to trust God. When we were meeting we almost gave up but God supernaturally provided. I am inspired to trust God more."

"The name of the village is Kiomu which means 'hard'. But Jesus has good plans for a place like this. This village is no longer a hard place anymore. Things are much better now, let it be so in your life as well. Let him change every hard place in you!"

"I am a pastor now but I used to be crazy! I was out of my mind, I tried everything possible including witchcraft and doctors. Only Jesus changed my story."

"Wife to the man pictured above) "I am encouraging anyone who has a tough situation, the God who did it for my husband can do it for you. I am enjoying my husband now who is not just healed but a pastor. I serve alongside him."

Everyone was able to stay healthy and hydrated thanks to their safe drinking water! These are the water filters that were provided at an earlier outreach in the past.

A portion of the 150+ people who attended! Many were healed and delivered.

"I came sick. I am leaving healed."

"I am a musician from Arusha, thank you for the opportunity to minister to the amazing people of Kiomu!"

"I met Jesus in this conference. Thank you!"
Action Steps: How You Can Help
1. They're looking for good teaching materials on discipleship & studying the Bible. If you have any good resources please let me know. Francis is a world class translator and can translate to Swahili.
2. One time costs: The budget for this conference ended up being around $1,000. They raised a portion of it themselves and when they found out the rest had been provided for they got together and literally spent an hour in prayer thanking God for his provision. One time costs like this are very practical + immediate ways for you to help.
4. There will be opposition to this movement of unity. Please pray for all involved.
5. Do you want to go on a trip some day? Let me know.
6. If this has encouraged you, feel free to share this with others to encourage them! If you think your church would like to help in some way, reply to this email and let's start the conversation :)