Here at Mosaic, we love that we can show you tangible proof of your donations at work. We seek to meet both the physical and spiritual needs of communities around the world and we often find that the two intersect.
One way that we meet physical needs, and in the process connect local people with their community church, is by bringing light and water to those that need it most.
This past May, the Shermans were able to visit multiple remote villages in the Philippines that rely solely on the solar lanterns we have provided to them over the years. These lanterns mean that students can study after dark, that cooking can be safer, and that walking to get water or visit neighbors doesn't have to only happen during daylight hours. The Shermans were able to assess the longevity of the lanterns and provide replacements for those that had seen better days!

We also try to support local business by providing clean water filters to tribes and communities in Tanzania. The water filters we use were created and produced by a local company. We use local church partners to help explain the filters and pass them out to those in need. The filters provide clean water for over five years, saving families from preventable diseases and water-borne illnesses.
Each water filter costs approximately $50 USD and each solar lantern costs around $20 USD. With your donations, we are able to keep a stock of these in our partner countries so that they can be distributed as needed.

You can provide clean water and light to people in remote villages around the world. Your year-end donation could change the lives of families, increase their safety and well-being, and bring resources we take for granted to those who have always lived without.