Mosaic's summer in Belize at a glance Visit our Belize Field Director's website to learn more about what she does HERE.

Summer by the numbers Sports camp - 63 campers, 21 salvations VBS - 69 attendees, 21 salvations

Sports Camp was a huge success!
"There was a moment at camp where I just stood back and cried: tears of joy."
- Stacee Strickland (Field Director, Belize)
Stacee has built an amazing model that exhibits exactly what Mosaic International is all about, building up local leaders. Over the last 3 years, Stacee has poured a lot of love into her community by running a yearly sports camp. In 2021, she was doing most of the work herself... this was her "watch me do it" year. 2022 rolled around and she brought in some locals to help her run the sports camp. This year, Stacee was able to step back while locals ran the show.
"They (locals) led songs, did the Bible stories, and 2/3 of the sports were led by amazing local volunteers... It was a precious sight to see" - Stacee
Beyond this, Stacee saw lots of growth in the students, sure, but also in the volunteers.
"When I was first approached about sharing one of the themes for the week, I was quite anxious and nervous. As the day came closer, I became more anxious. But God reminded me that it was Him working in me both to will and to work for his good pleasure." -Nmeri, Football coach, song leader, bible teacher

"Make your Choice" Vacation Bible School!
There is so much to share, but let's look back at our numbers again. 69 children attended VBS this year.
21 children came to know Jesus and made the decision to declare Him as their Lord and Savior.
NewLife Assembly of God, in Alabama came down to help host a VBS at church. Included in this group was Stacee's father! Aside from VBS, this group also joined in with our women’s group for prayer, helped mix and pour cement at Solid Rock, and the men hosted a men’s conference each night.
"I really believed that God moved that whole week, many of them accepted Jesus into their hearts! And that was the BEST part of VBS." - Leah, 13, Sports Camp AND VBS volunteer
Solid Rock Christian Academy!
Major progress is being made at Solid Rock Christian Academy! We have a floor and doors and windows! We are hoping to be having classes in this building by the end of the calendar year!

We hope your summer was as amazing as ours! All of this happens because of your generous giving. Want to sign up to support our work in Belize? Click the button below and select "Belize" from the "Fund" drop-down menu.