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All Things Belize!

God is doing incredible things in Dangriga! Here are a few stories of impact from our very own missionary to Belize, Stacee Strickland.

The following updates are directly from Stacee's most recent newsletter.

Feel free to sign up directly to her newsletter list here.


“Do you not know that those who run in a race all run, but one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may obtain it. And everyone who competes for the prize is temperate in all things. Now they do it to obtain a perishable crown, but we for an imperishable crown. Therefore I run thus: not with uncertainty. Thus I fight: not as one who beats the air. But I discipline my body and bring it into subjection, lest, when I have preached to others, I myself should become disqualified.” - 1 Corinthians 9:24-27

Remember when we were praying for God to provide funds for the school building project? HE DID IT! Check out the video below.

Solid Rock Christian Academy (aka SRCA)

One thing I (Stacee) didn’t expect when I was moving here, was just how involved at SRCA I would be - and I’m NOT complaining. It has been one of the biggest, most unexpected joys of my time here. I have been serving as their sports coordinator and assisting teachers as they have questions about P.E. etc.

As sports coordinator, I have been able to help SRCA get back involved with sports in the community. The Sports Council of Dangriga has been hosting many primary school competitions: volleyball, track and field, basketball, softball and football (soccer). Solid Rock has been able to participate in volleyball, track and field and basketball so far.

The most fun we recently had was house competitions. I was asked to help officiate these games - 3 houses: Lions of Judah, Conquerors for Christ and Warriors in Christ; many competitions: kickball, volleyball, basketball, sports day. IT. WAS. A. BLAST!

Super Sports Saturdays

As you know, I launched monthly sports clinics back in October of 2022: Super Sports Saturday (still looking for a new name if you have any suggestions). These days have been so fun! It’s very cool to see that in just a few short months of doing this, some of the young adults in the church, who started out assisting me, are actually running many of the sessions! In fact, this past month at our volleyball clinic, I only did about 10% of the coaching! This is encouraging because when I started these clinics, it was me doing it all with them standing on the sidelines (because they weren’t sure how to jump in and help/coach). Now, I see them functioning in a new level of confidence and coaching in an amazing way! In these first 3 months of clinics in 2023 (didn’t have one in Jan.) We have already seen 10 kids respond to the Gospel message!

Back in September, I mentioned how the Lord opened up doors for me to join and work with the Dangriga Volleyball Association. In the months since, we have hosted a multiple week inter-office competition and re-established adult volleyball in Stann Creek… We started both a male and female team, and have been practicing weekly. It’s a super fun community and while I’m definitely the weakest player on the team, I love being a part of it. The Lord has opened so many doors for conversations about Him, that I can’t even list them all.

Thanks to your generous donations, we were able to sponsor our female team, Stann Creek Elite, to participate in the Belize Nationals competition! This is awesome because this year was the first year since 1991 (32 years) that Stann Creek District had a team to participate in this national competition! We placed 8th out of 13, but it was still a “win” of a weekend. Why? Well, I’m glad you asked… The coach and I went in with the mindset of wanting to show the volleyball world here in Belize that good things can come out of Stann Creek (don’t get me started on that stigma)… Well, we did… the girls played phenomenally, and MANY people from the Belize Volleyball Association came over to our coach and asked “mein, what d goh on ina Dangriga?!” (That’s kriol for: what the heck are you doing down there?! haha).

The only reason we didn’t place higher in the rankings was because we are a young and new team. It was a “win” of a weekend because we entered the competition as an unranked team and left as a ranked team. It was a “win” of a weekend because of the conversation I had with a team mate where she unpacked the deep meaning and hurt behind some of her tattoos and then allows me to pray for her. IT. WAS. A. WIN.

Watch out y’all, volleyball is growing again in Stann Creek and it is so exciting to be a part of!

Coach’s Academy

I am so excited to announce that I have partnered with Nashville Coaching Coalition to create a version of their Coach’s Academy for here in Belize! I have participated in a longer version of this academy, and as a coach, it is life-changing. I’m so excited to bring this to Dangriga and equip coaches to be transformational leaders! I’m hoping to do my first academy in May, but we will see if it can get pulled together. Please pray!



My most favorite time of year is just around the corner! Partnering with Faith Family Worship Center again, we are hosting sports camp 2023: Beyond the Gold ! This will be the 3rd year of sports camp here in Dangriga, and I expect it to be the largest attended! Not only that, but I am working towards this year’s camp being more Belizean led than “Stacee-led”… I am so excited about the young people stepping up to lead! We will have all 3 sports again: basketball, volleyball and football (soccer).

If you’re new around here, welcome, and I encourage you to check out the videos from the past 2 years of sports camp!


To learn more about how to pray for and partner with Stacee + Belize head on over to her website!

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