If you grew up in the church or attend church, you are probably familiar with the verse that includes, "and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth." (Acts 1:8b) The verse, as commonly explained, shows God's desire for the disciples to evangelize not just in their town, but their region, surrounding region, and to the ends of the earth. It is our guide as we seek to make Christ's name known and bring others to know Him.
We may be biased at Mosaic, but every day we see our international partners exemplifying this charge in amazing and intentional ways.
In Rwanda, Fatherhood Sanctuary has active relationships with churches in the countries of Kenya and Zambia. In November, their church will host the Kingdom Business Forum, bringing together people from all over the world to discuss how to honor God in business. They are active in their community, but they are also connecting with churches and spreading God's message throughout their country, continent, and the world!
In Tanzania, our Field Directors partner with local pastors throughout the country. They are always looking for ways to reach new communities and meet the needs of different churches and pastors. Just last week they directed their first church conference in a new village. The churches in this village had been paying a lot in transportation to attend past conferences, so Vickie, Francis, and our church partners saw a way to bless them with teaching and community building. With 150 adults and 170 children, it was a blessed day as our team expanded into new villages and communities!
And these are just a few examples of how our international partners are actively reaching their communities, countries, and beyond. It inspires those of us based in the United States to more actively seek out the needs of our own communities and states. We don't need to go overseas to fulfill the Great Commission. There are opportunities right around us if we just choose to look, listen, and be bold.
If you want to be a part of the great work that our international partners are accomplishing daily, why not join the Just One Hour Challenge? All it takes is a monthly donation of ONE hour's pay to make a huge difference in the village churches we support. Click here to become a part of our Circle!
What a blessing when we work together, supporting one another in the great work of being the hands and feet of Jesus!