We have had a busy summer thanks to our amazing, hard-working partners in communities around the world. This summer our partner pastors and Field Directors left the four walls of the church and engaged in their communities in mighty ways! We have loved sharing their stories and endeavors with you on social media, but in case you missed it, we wanted to give you a quick recap!
In Tanzania, our Field Director Vickie and her partners ministered to children in multiple villages and parts of the country. In Kisangesangeni, a new community for our Tanzanian ministry, they held an outreach for 230 children, with 80 committing to follow Jesus after hearing the weekend's teachings. Vickie also traveled with a team to Mwanza to minister to kids affected by HIV/AIDS. Over 189 children attended and 100 responded to the call to ask Jesus in their hearts. . . meaning that our Tanzanian team has ministered to over 400 kids just this summer!!
In Belize, Field Director Stacee and her partner church, Faith Family Worship Center in Dangriga, got out into the community to engage with the youth in fun ways. They held their second annual Sports Camp and had over 70 kids attend, with 27 of them responding to the Gospel Message that was presented. They also held a Youth Convention to invest in the young people of Dangriga. They were able to hand out 45 Bibles to students that did not have one, and 10 youth gave their lives to serve Christ! We're so grateful for all the short term teams and churches who played a vital role in such a successful summer in Belize!
In the Philippines, the team held a Mini Summer Kids Camp at the Dream Center, while continuing all their other amazing programming. They shared God's Word through games, dance, stories, and crafts. We're partnering with a local school near the Dream Center to build brand new desks and chairs for their 2nd & 3rd grade classrooms; the men's ministry was also able to hand out school supplies in remote areas, blessing school children around the country; we helped purchase new music instruments for the church & youth; and so much more. Beyond that, Edwin has also been preparing for our 2nd Annual Reverse the Cycle ride and will once again ride 100 miles to raise money for the Dream Center! (If you would like to ride "with" him and many others, don't forget to sign up and ride on October 1st!).
In Rwanda, Daisy (our field director) and Pastor Pacifique and team have been preparing for their Kingdom Business Forum coming up in November. They have had groups of pastors and business leaders meeting in Zambia, Kenya, and Rwanda. Mosaic was able to sponsor a breakfast in Zambia for over 40 pastors and leaders, including the president of Zambia's Chamber of Commerce! Connecting business and the church is the passion of this project. It has been incredible to see all of the preparations for the Forum and the spirit of God already present in the small group meetings.
And this is just a snapshot of all that was accomplished this summer but there was SO much more. At Mosaic we are blessed to just be a small part of what God is doing through local leaders. We are thrilled to see how God is moving. God is being glorified and we are so thankful for your support!
If you want to support these local pastors and leaders, please join us for one of our biggest fundraisers of the year, Reverse the Cycle, on October 1st. The registration fee goes to funding programs like the ones mentioned above, and it is so much fun to ride our bikes "together" all around the world! You can sign up at www.bikereg.com/reverse-the-cycle. Let us know if you have any questions. The first 50 people who register get a shiny Reverse the Cycle medal, photo below... they turned out GREAT!